Thursday, November 1, 2012

More NC State pictures

Here are a few more quilts from the NC State Fair, 2012.
The Lone star quilt below is mine. It does have a red ribbon. :-)
This is how the quilts are displayed at the fair. It is efficient; but not too fun. There were ladies there to flip 
the stands so we could see all the quilts.
My Star of Lisboa quilt
One of the ladies that showed the quilts. She did a awesome job of describing the quilts and the techniques.
Nice applique quilt
A lovely Cathedral Window quilt


  1. I agree! not a great way to display quilts.

  2. The quilts are lovely; but the area display area needs to be a lot bigger.

  3. Congratulations on your beautiful quilt. I'm sure it was the 'star' of the show!

  4. When I see a lone star, I can't stop myself from saying "Hook 'em!" because I went to UT Austin. Beautiful work. Congratulations!

  5. Thank you Margy. It was fun to make this quilt.

  6. Hi George, I am also a "long Horn fan." The Hook'em
    is also in my mantra. UT Austin class of 82.


Quiltmania 2023

 I just finished the last applique stitch on this quilt top. I was so excited to put on my design wall that I couldn't even stop to iron...