Monday, August 23, 2010

Amazon Kindle Cover

The proof that no good deed should go unpunished. I made this kindle cover for my DH using the directions posted by Kim Walus on It is called "the bookkeeper" The problem was that I made it as a surprise. The suprised self found out that it does NOT fit DH's kindle because he has the large one. Who knew that Kindle comes in more than one size? I do now.
Oh well, back to the drawing board. This size can also be used for small books, make-up carrier, sewing pouch, and so on as suggested by Kim. So it will not go to waste at all.
Better get busy with the large version of the cover.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Wagga Jacket

This is my jacket that was inspired by a French movie about Coco Channel. (Sorry Coco); and my love for Wagga quilts from Australia. The jacket was made using a sweat shirt (aka jumper)as a foundation. I used the sew and flip method. Take a strip sew it to the foundation; flip the seam open. Add another strip to the edge of the previous one until the whole foundation is covered with strips. The jacket is made of 100% wool that I recycled from wool pants. I did wash the wool on my washing machine. I have a front loader and it did not felt the wool as I had wished. I had to clean the lint from my machine many times before the seams were all covered. Vacuum cleaner to the rescue. It will be entered at the Durham Orange Quilt Guild show October 22-24 2010.
Now to answer your question. A "Wagga" is a utility quilt made of wool remnants in Australia, these quilts are wonderful; and the history behind them is very rich. (Google it if you want to know more). I have been collecting wool to make one; but had to do a little detour with the jacket. I learned a lot about sewing with wool and this will be great when I start my Wagga.

Friday, August 6, 2010

NSW 2010 Quilt Challenge

It is done and in the mail. This is my 2010 challenge quilt. It is 16" by 24" and made with a challenge fabric that was provided by the quilters' guild of NSW in Sydney. It was mostly made with me Singer Featherweight. The challenge fabric is the dark one in the center of the 8 points star. The pattern is from Karen Doak's book 50 Fabulous stars. This one is the Tennessee star. I named it "Star'87" after a great Tennessean born in Nashville in 1987. I did reduce the star to fit the challenge size of the quilt. The original ones in the book finish at 12". These one are 8".
Now I am working on an inspiration by a French movie about Coco Channel. More to come.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

July 2010 summary

This singer machine was made in 1935 in the USA. It is in very good shape and uses a knee control to sew. It belonged to someone(s) that smoked and it needs some air to take care of the smell. But sews really well. I love the way it looks. Just need to work on that smell of ashtrays.

July was a very busy month around here. Check out the new gifts for my B-day from DH. I love my new to me toys. My Featherweight is another one of my gifts . It was made in 1952 in Elizabeth Town New Jersey. The paint finish is in need of some TLC; but the machine sews like a dream after some much needed tune up by Woody in Elon. He has been fixing sewing machines for 69 years. North Carolina used to be an important textile center before manufacturers moved to cheap labor ports. So he new a thing or two about this machine and showed me how to keep up with the care. I may have the paint done sometime in the future.
Next post I will show the first quilt made by me using the Featherweight.

The quilt pictured here is called Star'87. It is my quilt entrance fo

Quiltmania 2023

 I just finished the last applique stitch on this quilt top. I was so excited to put on my design wall that I couldn't even stop to iron...