Friday, February 28, 2014

February progress update

Sue Spargo was in town and taught a 2 days workshop on how to embroider on wool. We started with this kit. We prepared the kit to this point before class. I am still adding to my top; but this is where it all starts. If you have a chance to take one of her classes I say, just do it.

Benjamin Biggs block 2 has been completed and block 3 should be coming on March 1st. I am loving making these blocks.

This lovely block is very old and needed to be repaired and finished up. It is actually completed; but this is the beginning. I did applique this Italian silk to the corner of the block to fill in a gap. 

Soupçon is up to date to step 4. It measures 17" to this point and the next border (step 5) will have hexies that are 1/2". Let the fun begin.
The last step (6) will be available on March 14th. 
I will add more embroidery to the center; but I will wait until it is quilted to add beads.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Quilting finished in January 2014

End of January and I have finished a few more of the "work in progress."
Flower Garden is almost all pieced. I have all the 1139 squares sewn into sashings; but not yet attached to the top. It is hanging like this (top photo), on my design wall so I can see it as a whole.
I also finished 2 more blocks for the Beyond the Cherry Tree (BTCT), top. I still have 2 more to go and all 4 borders; but I just enjoy the sewing.
To be honest, I always dreaded the grape block; but it was fast and fun to make. Who knew?
I have already prepared another BTCT block. I am also finishing an wool applique for a Sue Spargo workshop coming up.
Time to turn on the TV for Super Bowl and some sewing time.

Busy design wall

BTCT block 16

BTCT block 24

Inspired by the Barn Star Quilt

This quilt top was made with some orphan blocks (previously made), and star blocks that can be found in the book "Barn Star Sampler...