Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy 2015 Feliz 2015

Trifle Dish quilt

Wishing you all a wonderful and creative 2015.

This lovely quilt is from Moda Bake Shop and is one that I would like to make. 
Maybe to use some of the row designs as borders; or in a medallion quilt. So many possibilities.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas

Wishing you and your family a wonderful time. Hope Santa is generous with all the gifts of the season that really matters to you.

Description of image
Free Pattern from Moda
This gorgeous quilt is a free pattern courtesy of Moda. I have been using my blog to keep the patterns that I would love to make someday; or just love to look at. Hope you enjoy it too. Link is below, after you click on it, if you scroll up/down, you will see the directions to make it.

Monday, December 8, 2014

   I love King Arthur flour and use it all the time. It is the best. I have their site bookmarked on my computer and love to check the recipes.
Biscotti is one of my favorites to bake. Don't let the "bake twice" intimidate you. It is very zen.
So here is a link to one of them: the Barista Biscotti.
They have various other and all kinds of other goodies too.

Barista Biscotti Bites

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving

Turkey Track quilt circa 1920s found on Pintrest
                                                  Happy Thanksgiving circa 2014 ^-^

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Scrappy Woven Lattice Block

This is how I work on a project that is very scrappy.
For this 10 inches block, I need:
Print fabric cut into: 4 - 2.5" X 6.5" rectangles
4 - 2.5" squares
(In this case I have 2 different prints. So, I cut 2 of each shape in each color.)
Background fabric: 9 - 2.5" squares

First, I cut the required pieces and keep them together (2 rectangles, 2 squares, and 4 background squares per unit.)
Time to decide on the block lay out.
I put the pieces on a large ruler next to my sewing machine, when I like the lay out, I  sew the units together.

I keep the units attached so they don't get lost in the "mess."
 I have all 4 units needed for 1 block attached in a line.

Next, they are separated and back to the ruler in the way I need to complete the block.
Starting with a partial seam, I attached the center square to one of the units, than moving counter clock wise, I attached all the units, finishing the partial seam last.

Finally, I have a few blocks together, just to check if it is going well.
I do an assembly line process for each of the steps above; and try to see how many I can sew without having to stop and cut the thread.
Even on a block like this one that the center square is added as a partial seam, I can assembly line them without having to cut a lot of the threads.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Simply Woven quilt from Moda Bake Shop

I have started a similar quilt for a donation quilt.
Jessica Kelly has this great tutorial at the link below.
I am not using her way. I am using scraps and I am making 10" blocks by cutting:
for the background 9 - 2.5 inches squares
for the main color 4 - 6.5 inches rectangles and 8 - 2.5" squares.
I saw a few quilts that my friend Diane H. made and I am using her plan.
I will post more when I have completed a few blocks.


Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Houston IQA show 2014

So many quilts, not enough time. The 2014 show as the Ruby Jubilee, and the biggest show. About 2,000 quilts were displayed. Some of my pictures...

Monday, November 3, 2014

Most photographed quilt at Houston 2014

This amazing quilt had a line of people trying to picture it every time I came around this isle. It is a multidimensional one. Depending where you stand, you see a different image. For example, while right in front, Oprah is the image seen, to the left Jackie Kennedy, and to the right mother Theresa.
Well deserved the ribbons. 
in front
from the left

from the right

Friday, October 24, 2014

Free pattern from Anna Marie Horner

The links below get you to Anna Maria Horner PDF for this amazing quilt, and to her website post in 2012 when she posted about this quilt.
This is one that I will make someday for sure.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Garden Path Pattern

This awesome quilt - called "Garden Path", is a free PDF from Kaufman's web site. The instruction includes the swatches of the fabrics used.
The link is below.
Back to the long list now.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Free Lion Brand Pattern

Image of Glamour Jacket This great jacket is a free pattern at the Lion Brand website. You need to register to access all the patterns. This one is called "Glamour Jacket" and is pattern number L10351. The direction comes in several sizes. I think I would change the back a bit. Another one to the wish I could make it soon list.
On top of it, she is standing next to the back of a Barcelona Chair. My favorite piece of furniture in this world ;)

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Great Free Pattern has this cute looking pattern as a free download. I keep adding to my collection of quilts that I would love to have the time to make. Thanks for sharing.


Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Gwen Martson/AQS free patttern

Another great free pattern.
This one from the AQS site. It is a liberated quilt pattern by Gwen Marston.
So many quilts, not enough time...

Liberated String Medallion

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Solstice quilt from Moda site

This is another great sampler quilt from Moda fabrics. It uses a Kate Spain fabric line called "Solstice."
I do love samplers. You never get bored with different blocks all over the quilt.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Durham Orange Quilt Guild show 2014 link

More pictures of the 2014 Durham Orange Quilt Guild show can be found on the link below.
My pictures are not so great and I am glad the site gallery has these great pictures by Carrie.
Thanks everyone for a great show. Orange Quilters Guild

Saturday, August 30, 2014

DOQ Guild show 2014

Best of show by Diane W
The Durham Orange Quilt Guild show for 2014 - "Stories in Stitches" was from August 22-24. I went back to visit with friends and to see the show. I have to say it was a wonderful show. Here are very few photos of some of the almost 300 quilts.

Flower Pots by Barbara W, quilted by Suzan deSerres

Me and my "Lisboa" quilt

Diane H gorgeous quilt

My "Ouro Preto" quilt

Kathy F wonderful quilt

Friday, August 15, 2014

Another great free pattern. This one from Art Gallery Fabrics. (Did not know about it.)
The quilt is from "Modernology Collection by Pat Brovo for Art Gallery Fabrics."
These are the colors that I can live with year round. They "say" Spring to me; but I could have spring year around ^-^
Get your pre-cuts and lots of scraps together and you will have a fantastic quilt in any color.

Free Applique Patern from A. Anderson

I always loved this pattern with many circles for grapes. Something about a four patch quilt that really attracts me. My eyes tend to go first to the center of it, which is usually a negative space; but I still like it.
I did not know it was a free pattern from Alex Alexander. But here it is the free link to download it. Thank you.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Moda Bake Shop Free pattern

This is such a cute quilt from the Moda Bake Shop that I am linking it here.
It is made with pre-cuts like the other quilts featured in this site.
I think it will look pretty in many different fabric styles and design. It is also very easy to make it in different sizes by just changing the number of blocks.
The simple block also has room for some awesome quilting.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Cherrywood Quilt Challenge 2015

 I made this quilt for the Cherrywood Quilt Challenge 2015: Hope in Rich Colors
 The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center "Ovarian Cancer Awareness Online Quilt Auction."
All quilts made are 24" X 24" and will be displayed on MD Anderson campus on September 2014 for the Ovarian Cancer awareness month.
From October 30-November 2, 2014 Cherrywood Quilts will be on display at the Houston International Quilt Festival and they all will be auctioned in 2015. More on that later.
The hand dyed fabrics were donated by Cherrywood; and each participant volunteers his/her workmanship.
The rules require that only Cherrywood fabrics are to be used. I received a package with all the dark colors shown here. The light colors are the same fabrics discharged. I did pair the dark with the same discharged light. It was hand quilted with perle cotton 8.
My husband gets the credit for the idea of changing the direction of the quilted fans.
For more information click here:

"Friendship" 24" X 24"

Hand quilt using "perle" cotton 8

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

July and Row by Row

Happy July 2014!
Today there are some 1250 stores all over the USA starting a row by row quilt. Each participating store has a pattern; and if you collect and make a quilt with 8 rows, you can bring it to a participating store to register to win prizes. One of them is 25 fat quarters.
There are other fun things also. Like you can get fabric with your state license plate. It would be fun to have one for each of the 6 states I have lived. Hum...
The link below takes you to all the information you  might need to know. Like it goes from July 1st to September 2nd. But you have until October 31th to finish your quilt.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Patchwork in Valencia-Spain

I was happy to find a couple of cute patchwork/quilt stores in Valencia, Spain.
Both stores have nice fabrics, nice people to help you, as well as some original patterns.

The ones pictured here are:
Nadal Verd Patchwork and Labores
c/ Adressadors, 11 Bajo Derecha
46001 Valencia

Below is a photo of the front only of:
Coser & Cantar taller de patchwork
C/ Conde Trenor 1 bajo-derecha
46003 Valencia

The two photos below are of the kiosks at Plaza Redonda. This plaza is featured in all city maps, so no address required if you plan to get there. Here they sell some fabrics, a lot of trims, yarn, and cotton for lace making.

Quiltmania 2023

 I just finished the last applique stitch on this quilt top. I was so excited to put on my design wall that I couldn't even stop to iron...