Sunday, November 16, 2014

Scrappy Woven Lattice Block

This is how I work on a project that is very scrappy.
For this 10 inches block, I need:
Print fabric cut into: 4 - 2.5" X 6.5" rectangles
4 - 2.5" squares
(In this case I have 2 different prints. So, I cut 2 of each shape in each color.)
Background fabric: 9 - 2.5" squares

First, I cut the required pieces and keep them together (2 rectangles, 2 squares, and 4 background squares per unit.)
Time to decide on the block lay out.
I put the pieces on a large ruler next to my sewing machine, when I like the lay out, I  sew the units together.

I keep the units attached so they don't get lost in the "mess."
 I have all 4 units needed for 1 block attached in a line.

Next, they are separated and back to the ruler in the way I need to complete the block.
Starting with a partial seam, I attached the center square to one of the units, than moving counter clock wise, I attached all the units, finishing the partial seam last.

Finally, I have a few blocks together, just to check if it is going well.
I do an assembly line process for each of the steps above; and try to see how many I can sew without having to stop and cut the thread.
Even on a block like this one that the center square is added as a partial seam, I can assembly line them without having to cut a lot of the threads.


  1. It is interesting to see the woven design the blocks make even with a scrappy look.

  2. I do that too. I like to plan the order that I sew the blocks in so that I don't have to cut threads. And then I use leaders and enders when I get to parts where I have no choice but to cut. Nice blocks!


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