Monday, March 28, 2011

Star and Sprigs border 1

So, I have finished border 1 of 4 of my Star and Sprigs quilt. As usual, bad pictures. It is about 80 inches long and very hard to photograph. This is my story and I am sticking to it.
I did not trim and will not do it until all is done. I am happy with the result.
Just this week I got some new fabrics courtesy of nice friends. I have already done about a quarter of the second border. A few minutes here and there adds to the end result. Plus the new fabrics got me all excited.
I worked on this border in the USA (various airports :-)), Romania, Netherlands, Spain, and Australia. I wanted to finish it in Melbourne; but the very last stitch was done in the airport in Atlanta.
Now back to border 2.

Monday, March 21, 2011

machine quilting practice

I have been reading a lot lately about machine quilting. I have a Pfaff 7570 that is 11 years old. I love this machine. It doesn't have a stitch regulator; but I have decided that I will learn this skill. I had some prepared muslin (calico in Australian) quilt sandwich to practice. Boring! Instead I am now making little quilts for my studio. This is the first one.
I took a green fat quarter, sliced 3 times. Took the red striped fabric and cut  1- 1 inch piece and 1- 3/4 inch piece and did sew them to the background to make the trunk and branches. Added 2 little birds, 3 leaves; and a yo-yo. The yo-yo was cut from a circle using a US quarter (1 inch diameter, or 2.5 cm). I did the turn under applique method. Time to quilt. I prepared the machine by putting a  piece of "supreme slider" on the surface. This is a teflon sheet that helps the quilt to move smoothly. It makes a big difference when quilting circles. I quilted some "trees and grass, the leaves, and birds" It was fast and fun. Just had to trim the piece to 9.5 inches by 14 inches and voila! One little quilt for the wall.
I have read that it takes about 50 hours to get the hang of free motion machine quilting. Just about 49 more hours to go.
"I think I can. I think I can..."

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Quilts for Japan

****Updated information:
If you are in the USA and want to send your quilts to Japan; Quilters Newsletter Magazine is accepting them at their office until April 30, 2011.
You may mail it to:
Dana Jones
Quilters Newsletter
741 Corporate Circle, Suite A
Golden, CO 80401

They ask that you mark the box as "quilts for Japan"; but if you don't want mark on the outside of the box/envelope, you still need to let them know inside the package that this is a quilt for Japan. You must also add with the quilt: your name, address, phone #, and e-mail address. Thanks for caring.

I know we are all watching the news and crying with the Japanese these days. When I see all that snow and the shelters full, I keep thinking of all the quilts folded in my closets and can't help but want to send some to someone in need of all kinds of warmth; not just physical. So I am glad that I found a source. Janet from "quiltsalot" blog has a post today with the address for such a place. You can click on the link below to read her post. Bring your tissue box with you before you go there. But do go. 
You may also want to check, Christine has left a comment; and she is having some serious sewing time in Queensland, AU.

Maybe later on when their basic needs are met we can find the quilt groups around Sendai and send them supplies for them to re-start their quilts and express themselves like we continue to do from our safe homes. Thank you.
This was pasted from Janet's blog.

"This is a copy of an email from the editor of Quilt Tsushin Magazine, Naomi Ichikawa, Naomi lives in Tokyo and her mother and brother survived the tsunami in Sendai.
Here is Naomi’s request translated into english.

It is still bad situation now in Japan. We are still nervous about shaking and radiation,but no way to escape. I start to announce to the quilters to send us comfort quilts for the people who are suffered.I would like to do it to the world quilters. We will deliver the comfort quilts to the people who are very difficult situation. Could you please help to announce it to the quilters? We accept any size of quilts(baby to adult).new or unused.

The deadline would be the end of May or later.

Send the quilts to: until the middle of April;

Naomi Ichikawa
Editor of Patchwork Quilt tsushin Patchwork Tsushin Co.,Ltd
5-28-3,Hongo,Bunkyo-ku,Tokyo,Japan zip:113-0033

after the middle of April

Naomi Ichikawa
Patchwork Tsushin Co.,Ltd
2-21-2,Yushima,Bunkyo-ku,Tokyo,Japan zip:113-0034

I will appreciate if you help me.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Some Quilt Stores in Sydney and Melbourne

Just back home from 3 weeks in Australia. Lots of fun seen friends and places. I had a chance to visit a few quilt stores and was happy with everything I saw.
First Sydney. I went with my friend B. to visit Material Obsession. It was moving day for Kathy and crew. But she found time to visit with us; and even signed my book- Material Obsession 2. If you have not seen her books, you are in for a treat. They are fantastic. I did not see the new store opened. But if you check her blog: You will have a virtual tour of the place. Hopefully, I will see it soon.
From previous experience, the other 3 places that are worth the trip are Logan's Patchwork Fabrics in Leichhardt (take a bus from the CBD on George St.), Quiltsmith in Annandale, and The Remnant Warehouse in Alexandria (take the bus on Elizabeth St). These are all around Sydney. A short bus ride. Give them a call or look them up on the Web and they will give you directions on how to get there from where you are. There are more stores; but some are further away, and some I did not visit yet.
Than it was off to Melbourne. It was cold and rainy there. But I have never seen the place so Green. It was gorgeous; and DH said he was not feeling guilty about taking a longer bath.
The stores that I visited were: GJ's Discount  Fabrics in East Brunswick (Tram 1 or 8 stop 126); Amitie Textiles in Bentleight (Train to Bentleight Station, turn right on Centre Rd and walk a few blocks); and Patchwork on Central Park in Malvern. (Tram 5 to last stop).
Make sure you see the fabrics designed by Aussie designers. One of my favorites is Saffron Craig. You will also see a lot of Japanese fabrics that are outstanding; and all the favorites that are more universal.
Photos coming soon.

My Quilt on the Houston Rodeo 2025

 My quilt using the Somerset Pattern called Mrs Billings has won a third place on the Houston Rodeo 2025. This is a pleasant surprise. I am ...