Sunday, June 13, 2021

Baby I got the blues quilt

New comfort quilt to be donated the QGG Houston. I made this quilt using fabrics I bought in my hometown in Brazil  circa 2001. It is a very simple pattern that can be made very fast using layer cakes. But I did cut the strips from yardage for this one. If you cut the fabrics into 2.5" across the grain (from salvage to salvage from a fabric that is at least 42" wide), you can get the whole block from 2 of such strips.
This is how I made it. 
1. Sew a light and a dark 2.5" strips together. 
2. Cut the these strips (with the 2 fabrics sewn), into 14" segments. That will give you 3 segments (14" each with 2 fabrics sew together). 
3. Sew the 14" inch pieces on the long seam to create a piece with 6 strips, 3 light and 3 dark alternating the light and dark (Make 1 piece 14"by 12.5").
4. Cut this new piece in 4.5" segments. It will give you 3 new pieces (4.5" by 12.5"). 
5. Take the one in the middle and flip it over alternating the dark and light segments. 
6. Sew these final 2 pieces together to get one 12.5" square block.

This design will look amazing using scrap strips. 
Just make sure there are contrast between the 2 strips.

1 finished block


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