Monday, March 31, 2014

A give away and new blog

My Soupçon

Faeries and Fibres blog is having an anniversary give away. It is her first one. How fun is that.
I really liked her Soupçon sew along.
She will start a new SAL with hexies in April. So go there and  comment for the chance to win.

Another fun link is the new blog that Barbara Brackman is starting with a block of the week. Her new blog is inspired by Jane Austen. I am enjoying reading about Jane Austen and the era she lived. Link below also.

Monday, March 24, 2014

WIP for March

Soupçon top is done
When the cat is out the mouse plays. So, I have had some time to work on a few of the many projects I have in progress. I finished this SAL (sew along) from It was a 6 parts project. I used it to practice some great techniques. 

Center block with some Lady Bugs embroidered
Benjamin Biggs (BB) block 3 is also done. I am using mostly French General fabrics. I don't pre-wash my fabrics, and the one used to make the central ring shrank a lot. So, I had to iron it in submission. It is still not completely flat; but it will work in the end. Better wash the rest of it.
BB block 3

Central block for Mrs Billings' Coverlet (12 inches)
The last picture is the central block for Mrs Billings' Coverlet. It is a pattern from Somerset Design in Melbourne, Australia.
 I will make it very scrappy; and this center  is made with some French General and Tilda fabrics. The striped border is cut larger than needed; but I will only trim it when the next row is ready. I have 13 more borders to go; therefore, this will look very different at the end.

Rodeo Houston 2025 quilt with a ribbon

This a nice picture of my quilt called "Timeless Treasures", hanging at the Houston Rodeo with the ribbon attached. Photo by my fr...