Monday, November 22, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving


                                                 HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!!

Have a wonderful day celebrating.

Monday, November 8, 2021

Gluing English Paper Piecing My Way

 I have been gluing my EPP (English Paper Piecing) quilt tops for several years. I used to baste with a needle and thread; but I now prefer gluing. One method is not faster than the other; it just depend where you want to spend your time.

Gluing is ideal for me when I am prepping the pieces on airplanes trays for example, no danger of poking my fingers with the needle.

Below are the steps I use. Please note, if the shape is irregular like an elongated hexi, make sure you always start gluing on the same side. This will make sewing the pieces easier.

Material needed: Glue stick (any washable one), paper and fabric shapes, and a small acrylic ruler (here it is a 4.5" one, at home I use a 9" one because I have more space. 

1. Add a small dab of glue on each corner (fabric only).

2. Fold that first side over (not too tight). Add more glue on the new corners and fold over the paper.
Shown here with 2 sides already folded over the paper. I am moving clockwise.

3. Continue until all the sides are completed. The last one has 2 dabs of glue too. Fold and hold for a little bit.

4. A view from the right side. Finally, I just move the completed one to under the ruler (see the purple ones?), to keep drying in shape; and start with a new one on top.

Quiltmania 2023

 I just finished the last applique stitch on this quilt top. I was so excited to put on my design wall that I couldn't even stop to iron...