Sunday, October 24, 2021

The always lovely Granada, Spain

Granada, Spain is a beautiful city, in any day of the year. It is full of life and beautiful views.
These photos were taking from the Albaicin. 
It is a beautiful neighborhood with very narrow streets from a long time ago. 

Al Alhambra seen from Mirador San Nicholas 

Sun Set from Mirador La Lona 


Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Almost Halloween

It is almost time for Halloween and I am finishing this cross stitch I have had kitted for a very long time.
I am hoping to have it finished by the 31st. The pattern is by Fancy That and is called Halloween Tree. I am using a 32 count linen and 2 strands of Sampler Threads suggested on the pattern sheet. 🎃 


Thursday, October 7, 2021

Memorial Park- Houston

 This beautiful lake is part of the Memorial Park renovation. In 2011 the severe draught that happened around here killed way too many trees. It looked like a fire had happened. Now, it is a joy to visit. 

Inspired by the Barn Star Quilt

This quilt top was made with some orphan blocks (previously made), and star blocks that can be found in the book "Barn Star Sampler...