Friday, July 31, 2020

Quiltmania 2019 Mystery

It is all quilted and washed and now air drying.
Marshall was designed by Jen Kingwell as a Block of the month (BOM) for Quiltmania magazine in 2019.
But I did change the final setting to make it my own.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Bias tape on the go

I saw this somewhere on the web; I can't remember where; but it is one of those moments "why didn't I think of that?!"
Just sewing the bias strip without ironing first. It works really well to make ties for masks. 
Thank you anonymous. 

Inspired by the Barn Star Quilt

This quilt top was made with some orphan blocks (previously made), and star blocks that can be found in the book "Barn Star Sampler...