Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Merry Christmas 2018

Image result for old time christmas postcards

May the joys of the season continue into the new year. Merry Christmas and Happy 2019. "Feliz Natal e um Feliz Ano Novo."

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Looking forward to 2019

It is almost the end of 2018. I have not blogged much this year. I am considering return to it. Instagram is easy and fast; but the journal feeling is not there.
These lovely blocks were made for me by my Bee - TCPBee. I provided the Tilda fabrics and they made the blocks using only the fabrics provided. I put them on my design wall in the order that I took them from the box. It is my challenge now to finish this quilt in 2019. Fingers crossed here.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Wool BOM- Moon Garden

Lisa Bongean is starting a new BOM called Moon Garden. It will be 12 baskets. Block size about 16" -17" light wool on dark cotton background. the pattern will be free  for a month; until she publishes the new one. She will have all kinds of kits for sale. Check it out at her blog or facebook.#moongarden ....my next stitch-a-long... details coming soon!!!!#lisabongean #primitivegatherings #modafabrics #woolapplique #woolstitchalong #valdanithreads

My Quilt on the Houston Rodeo 2025

 My quilt using the Somerset Pattern called Mrs Billings has won a third place on the Houston Rodeo 2025. This is a pleasant surprise. I am ...