Saturday, April 30, 2016

Wool Heart Sampler block

My quilt guild: The Quilt Guild of the Greater Houston  ( a biennial show and there is always an auction to benefit the guild. 
My Woolie Bee, is making a sampler quilt with 6.5" blocks. It is all wool, of course. 
The background is the same; but the heart center is where you can do anything as long as it has a heart.
 This is my block. It is one to rest the eyes; not to call attention to itself.
 It is embroidered with the Palestrina stitch around the hearts, cross stitch in the center of the small heart and beads on the large heart.
I know this talented group will make an amazing quilt.

The next show is on May 5-6, 2017.
It is called "Joy of Quilts."

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Basket weave in batik

Just finished this quilt top to a 71" X 90" to donate to a local shelter. It started as a Bee challenge and with the request for quilts by this entity; it grew to the required size. 
Basket weave block  is: 8.5" X 10.5"

A little close up

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Quiltmania 2023

 I just finished the last applique stitch on this quilt top. I was so excited to put on my design wall that I couldn't even stop to iron...