Saturday, June 6, 2015

Inspirations from Leuven

Leuven City Hall
Leuven is a small college town just  30 minutes train ride east of Brussels, Belgium. It is absolutely gorgeous and worth a visit. It is easy to be inspired here. 
Some of the beautiful manholes around town

Church window at St. Damian's Church
There is a beautiful quilt and yarn store at "Paris Street". Just in the center of town. Since it is a small town, it is hard to miss.
The name is : 't Wolwinketje - Parijstraat 25, B-3000 - Leuven.
If you stay around, you will also find other yarn stores and fabric stores. But this is the one I ended up buying some yarns and Danish fabrics.

't Wolwinkeltje

Inspired by the Barn Star Quilt

This quilt top was made with some orphan blocks (previously made), and star blocks that can be found in the book "Barn Star Sampler...